Today Scarlett and I had some good fun! We lunged for a while, did really good going left, but we will need to work on the right a little bit more so she doesn't try to stop. She tricked me once into thinking she was stopping to poop-she even spread her legs and raised her tail a little the way she does- and then she just stood there and did nothing the silly goose! But of course we ended on a good note (she did mostly well the whole time, just tried to stop a couple of times) after trotting two full circles. I also think I need to just work with her more on the right because she doesn't like to pick up her right lead. I'll have my wonderful farrier/dentist check that out next week when he comes!After our work (we also worked on our showmanship-leading, stopping, backing, setting up, even a little turning) I tied her in the wash rack and (I hadn't planned to) ended up giving her her first mini-bath! I call it mini because I just rinsed her down, didn't used shampoo or conditioner.  She was really good and seemed to enjoy it as well! Afterwards, putting on her blanket and hoodie was basically a breeze! She was a very happy (and talkative as usual) girl to go to bed!

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