Today was fun! I lunged Scarlett out for a few minutes so she could stretch her legs and she was happy and bucked a little bit too! We also practiced a lot on our showmanship. She doesn't back very straight yet so we practiced backing next to a pole and she started to get a little straighter! We also walked over and trotted over the pole a couple of times and she was good! I tried to work on side-passing, but for some reason she gets very sensitive whenever I tap her sides and she kinda goes everywhere so after a couple tries I just started rubbing her there so she would be okay with me touching her there and she didn't move every time I touch her there and that made her all happy again so she was good! I decided I would wait and let my trainer help me with the side-passing practice! She was a very happy girl though! Happy to see me after a couple of days! I hate when I don't get to see her at all; I miss her like crazy!

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